雅思口语Part 3 JOBS(参考答案)

Part 3 JOBS



在今天的文章中,给大家分享两个Part 3中有关“工作”话题小问的参考答案。大家可以多加积累其中的表达和回答思路,同时注意参考答案中的衔接手段。话题相关的表达也可以沿用于到其他的一些问题。

Are all jobs of equal importance?

Well, people indeed take it for granted that some jobs are superior while others are inferior. It’s easy to understand why: jobs requiring expertise generally bring higher salaries and higher status, whereas poor pay and low status are associated with unskilled work.

But as I see it, every single job has equal significance. Even the most widely despised occupations like sanitation workers, make a valuable contribution to our society, and they’re indispensable. Just consider what would happen if no one takes these jobs. Streets will be littered with garbage, and sewage pipes will be clogged with waste and smell disgusting. This holds true for employments like construction workers, roofers and delivery drivers.

indeed 确实,的确 adv.

superior 高等的,优越的

inferior 低等的,次要的

expertise 专业知识和技能

have equal significance 具有同等重要性

widely despited 被普遍看不起的

sanitation worker 环卫工

indispensable 不可或缺的

be littered with garbage 堆满垃圾

sewage pipe 下水道管

be clogged with 被……堵住

smell disgusting 闻起来很恶心

roofer 屋面工

delivery driver 送货司机

Why do some people become workaholics?

Well, if you ask me, I’d say some people are just pressurised to be workaholics. I mean, they’ve got too huge a financial burden - a bank loan to pay off, children’s education to cover, fuel tanks to fill, and such. Working non-stop is a straightforward way for them to earn more. This is particularly true if their performance appraisal is based on how much they’ve achieved each month. Long hours of work could mean a loyalty or performance bonus. Yet, of course, some people simply regard work as everything in their lives. This is probably because they lack social circles, which means they don’t have anyone to hang out with or dine out with. And worse still, they’ve got no interests or hobbies to kill downtime. As a result, they bury themselves in work, even if it’s outside office hours.

workaholic 工作狂

pay off a bank loan 还清银行贷款

work non-stop 不停歇地工作

straightforward 直接的,简单的

performance appraisal 绩效评价

performance bonus 绩效奖金

social circle 社交圈

worse still 更糟的是

kill downtime 打发休息时间

bury oneself in … 埋头于……







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