

Some people think that older school children should learn a wide range of subjects and develop knowledge, while other people think that they should only learn a small number of subjects in detail. Discuss both view and give your own opinion.





这是一道双边类大作文,聊的是学生学习泛课程还是专精少数科目。双边类的题目,需要对每个观点分别表达同意或反对,最终的结论就是我的立场,可以是中立(双方都同意或都反对),也可以是单边支持某一方立场。审题时需要注意一点,题目限定讨论对象“older school children”,这个表述一般指的是初高中生,有同学可能会误以为大学生导致论证跑偏。下面月半鸭和大家起来看下具体观点。










There is an ongoing debate regarding the scope of education for senior school children, with some advocating for a well-rounded curriculum, while others believe in focusing on a select few subjects. I am of the opinion that children should be provided with a comprehensive education, rather than concentrating solely on a limited number of subjects.

Proponents of a broad education argue that it enables children to develop a diverse set of qualities that contribute to their future success. By studying various subjects simultaneously, children can gradually hone their time management skills. Additionally, they can enhance their teamwork abilities through collaborative projects in art classes and group sports in physical education. These skills and competencies are invaluable for their further education and in addressing the challenges of adult life. Conversely, focusing solely on core subjects such as mathematics may hinder the development of these vital skills.

However, there are those who contend that students are more likely to achieve success by concentrating on a few subjects. By doing so, they can avoid the demands of attending multiple courses, completing diverse homework assignments, and preparing for numerous exams. For instance, aspiring medical professionals could allocate more time to chemistry, while engineering hopefuls could concentrate on mathematics and physics. This specialization could lead to expertise in their chosen fields and higher salaries. On the other hand, those who study a wide variety of subjects might be relegated to low-paying entry-level positions.

In my perspective, pursuing a diverse range of subjects is the more advantageous option, as it allows students to make more informed decisions about their career paths. It is crucial to remember that young students may not yet be aware of their inherent talents and strengths. Exposure to different disciplines can help them identify subjects that align with their abilities and interests, enabling them to build a fulfilling career. For example, some students may discover their artistic talents and pursue a profession in the design industry only after studying the arts. Therefore, I firmly believe that students should be introduced to various fields of knowledge to maximize their potential.


improve the ability to work in teams   提高团队合作能力

core subjects   核心科目

practice medicine   行医

doing low-paid entry-level jobs   从事低薪入门级工作

pursue a profession   从事某一职业





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