

Nowadays celebrities are more known for their glamour and wealth than for their achievement, and this sets a bad example to young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?





这是一道观点类考题,聊的是名人的影响力问题。有烤鸭考完来表示:这道题好难,观点都想不出。其实大家可以结合现实中的例子思考这个问题,比如2年前很火的丁真,但这个人对年轻人是负面案例吗?从官方的反应来看,至少是一个鼓励的态度。那同学们思考下,为什么丁真却不是一个负面案例呢?我们要论证清楚这个问题,就要回来看这道题目本身。审题时注意两点,第一个是“名人更多是因为glamour and wealth 成名而不是 achievement”,你同意了这个前提后,才是第二个问题“这是是不是 a bad example”。










In the grand tapestry of contemporary society, celebrities, akin to bright stars in a night sky, draw attention more for their material worth rather than their contributions to the global community. This observable trend has been scrutinized and deemed a negative influence on the pliable minds of younger generations. However, I posit that such a view is a reductionist perspective, stripping away the intricate layers of social complexity in which this discourse unfolds.

The educational community, with their perspicacious gaze, often furrows its collective brow at the fascination society holds for celebrities’ socioeconomic status. Indeed, impressionable young minds are highly receptive to the highly-publicized narratives of their idols, whether it concerns their acquisitions of priceless art, ostentatious commodities, or their engagement in philanthropic endeavors. Regrettably, the spotlight often illuminates their glamour and wealth, casting long shadows over their charitable efforts. This troubling dynamic stokes the fear that adolescents, marinating in such a culture, may adopt these figures as their paragons, subsequently appraising one's worth on the scale of material affluence.

Nevertheless, while the aforementioned issues contribute to the rampant materialism among youth, it is a gross oversimplification to dismiss the reasons behind society's focus on celebrities' socioeconomic standing. Those who advocate the argument against this phenomenon seem to labor under the illusion that the repercussions of a social trend are a binary, resulting from a simplistic either-or proposition. In contrast, its impact is shaped by a multitude of determining factors, including the moral compass and social consciousness of individuals. For instance, consider the young minds imbued with a potent sense of social responsibility. The same narratives of fame and fortune may ignite their ambition, driving them to seek career success, not for mere personal gain but fueled by an aspiration to be more socially contributive.

In summation, to dismiss society's preoccupation with celebrities' socioeconomic status as unfounded, while turning a blind eye to other influential variables in the equation, is a fallacy. The discourse should be more nuanced, considering the labyrinthine social factors and the vast spectrum of human emotions and perceptions that shape our world.


the grand tapestry of contemporary society   当代社会的宏大画卷

akin to bright stars in a night sky   如同夜空中的明亮星星

reductionist perspective   还原论视角

perspicacious gaze   敏锐的目光

highly-publicized narratives   高度公众化的认知

marinating in such a culture   在这样的文化中浸泡

adopt these figures as their paragons   将这些人物视为他们的典范

rampant materialism   猖獗的物质主义

gross oversimplification   过度简化

labor under the illusion   受到幻觉的困扰

a multitude of determining factors   众多决定性因素

moral compass   道德指南针

social consciousness   社会意识

imbued with a potent sense of social responsibility   充满强烈的社会责任感

ignite their ambition   点燃他们的野心

turning a blind eye to   对...视而不见

labyrinthine social factors   迷宫般的社会因素






CMU数据科学与统计学科研专题:“横行赌场” 基于统计分析原理的不确定性过程决策分析


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