

Nowadays sending children to boarding school is becoming increasingly popular. What is the reason? Do you think it is a positive development?





这是一道报告类大作文,聊的是寄宿学校受欢迎的原因和利弊。报告类题目结构比较简单,两个主体段,主体段一回答再犯罪的原因,主体段二提出解决办法。审题时注意一点,题目观点中包含比较关系“increasingly popular”,在讨论原因时要考虑到这一变化趋势。下面,王珍老师带大家一起来看下具体观点。










Presently, the trend towards boarding schools is gaining significant momentum. A growing contingent of parents are electing to enroll their offspring in such institutions, driven by an array of motivations. This essay will elucidate my perspective in favor of this evolution, delving into the varied rationales underpinning the choice of boarding schools.

One of the catalysts for the surge in boarding school enrollments may be ascribed to the ever-accelerating tempo of contemporary societal existence. The modern workforce is characterized by elongated working hours and increasingly onerous responsibilities, consequently diminishing the time and vigor available for child-rearing. For such parents, boarding schools may represent an optimal and, at times, the solitary viable option during the workweek. A secondary motive lies in the perceived merits associated with boarding schools. Certain parents contend that these institutions foster holistic child development. Firstly, the residential nature of these schools necessitates the acquisition of crucial life skills and promotes independence. Tender-aged children are impelled to master rudimentary competencies such as personal grooming and dressing, while older students are offered the opportunity to undertake more complex domestic tasks. Secondly, students at boarding schools are prone to more frequent interactions with their peers and educators, potentially enabling them to hone their interpersonal skills at an earlier stage compared to their counterparts in day schools.

Nevertheless, the benefits of boarding schools do not inevitably equate to universal success. Prolonged periods of separation from the familial home can pose a formidable challenge for younger children, particularly those with a profound emotional bond to their families. Moreover, the lack of parental presence may engender psychological difficulties for some students, potentially exacerbating familial estrangement. Hence, it is incumbent upon parents to contemplate judiciously before determining whether, and at what stage, to dispatch their children to boarding schools.

In conclusion, while not without drawbacks, the benefits of boarding schools tend to outweigh the potential disadvantages. Their escalating popularity is largely beneficial, provided the unique traits of each child are carefully evaluated and considered.


Elucidate my perspective 阐明我的观点

Ever-accelerating tempo of contemporary societal existence 现代社会生活的不断加速节奏

Elongated working hours 延长的工作时间

On the solitary viable option 唯一可行的选择

Perceived merits 感知的优点

Foster holistic child development 培养全面的儿童发展

Residential nature 住宅性质

Acquisition of crucial life skills 获取重要的生活技能

Tender-aged children 幼儿

Profound emotional bond 深深的情感纽带

Engender psychological difficulties 产生心理困扰

Familial estrangement 家庭疏远

Contemplate judiciously 明智地思考

Escalating popularity 不断升级的人气

Largely beneficial 大体上有益

Unique traits 独特的特征



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