机考SAT 的填空题型特点介绍和练习题库

首先要做一个题型上的区分,如果单纯从题干有文本挖空的情况来说的话,机考SAT 有三个类型的题目是有空的


机考SAT 的填空题型特点介绍和练习题库


机考SAT 的填空题型特点介绍和练习题库


机考SAT 的填空题型特点介绍和练习题库


相比于另外两个类型的挖空,词汇填空题最大的特点是选项的词汇陌生度会高些,虽然从目前官方提供的样题来看,词汇还是比较友好的相比于曾经在SAT 出现过的填空题和目前GRE 在考察的填空题来说。


考察形式上目前从样题来看,只有四选一的单空形式,而老SAT的填空题和GRE 的填空题拿怕单空也是5选1 的,另外题型上老SAT 有两空题,GRE 有两空和三空题,从需要的预判内容来说,单空的题目显然会好做些。

下图是老SAT 的两空题

机考SAT 的填空题型特点介绍和练习题库


目前给的题目的题干部分还是比较长的,一般有50+词,而老SAT 和GRE 的单空题目一般只有20-30词

【机考SAT 填空】 The parasitic dodder plant increases its reproductive success by flowering at the same time as the host plant it has latched onto. In 2020, Jianqiang Wu and his colleagues determined that the tiny dodder achieves this _______ with its host by absorbing and utilizing a protein the host produces when it is about to flower.

【老SAT单空题干 】In young children, some brain cells have a _____ that enables them to take over the functions of damaged or missing brain cells.



话题上来说有所有的文本类型都一样,文理科的各个类型的话题都有。有一个有意思的特点是样体里面出现了一个比较新的内容:关于美剧 Reservation Dogs 的一个题目

机考SAT 的填空题型特点介绍和练习题库

这部Emmy提名剧讲的是几个native Americans 在当地成长中的故事

机考SAT 的填空题型特点介绍和练习题库



出题的整体方式上和老SAT 以及GRE 的填空题都是类似的:空到底填什么,决定于非空部分的逻辑对应。

比如下面这个样题出答案的线索就是这个this 的指代,既然都this 了,那空格的内容前面一定出现过

The parasitic dodder plant increases its reproductive success by flowering at the same time as the host plant it has latched onto. In 2020, Jianqiang Wu and his colleagues determined that the tiny dodder achieves this _______ with its host by absorbing and utilizing a protein the host produces when it is about to flower.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

  1. synchronization

  2. hibernation

  3. prediction

  4. moderation

根据文本可以读出来空格和 at the same time 对应,所以答案选的是 synchronization

而这种根据this 的重复直接给线索的方式,在样题里面真的出现了好多次啊,比如?

Beginning in the 1950s, Navajo Nation legislator Annie Dodge Wauneka continuously worked to promote public health; this _______ effort involved traveling throughout the vast Navajo homeland and writing a medical dictionary for speakers of Diné bizaad, the Navajo language.




Critics have asserted that fine art and fashion rarely _______ in a world where artists create timeless works for exhibition and designers periodically produce new styles for the public to buy. Luiseño/ Shoshone-Bannock beadwork artist and designer Jamie Okuma challenges this view: her work can be seen in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and purchased through her online boutique. Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?





根据上面对应的依据可以看出来我们要选的是D intersect,说的大致是一般认为高雅的艺术和通俗的消费品比较少有交集,但是 Jamie Okuma 表示反对,说自己的东西艺术殿堂和网店都可以找到。

再仔细看一下,里面有个错误答案 C diverge, 就是我们正确答案的反义词。这种制造错误答案的方式在填空类型题目里还蛮常见的。


对于单词意思的考察机考的填空和老SAT 以及GRE 的也都是一样的


Former astronaut Ellen Ochoa says that although she doesn’t have a definite idea of when it might happen, she _______ that humans will someday need to be able to live in other environments than those found on Earth. This conjecture informs her interest in future research missions to the moon.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

  1. demands
  2. speculates
  3. doubts
  4. establishes

这题的出题方式也是this的指代重复,空格从conjecture给出线索,所以选的是speculates。而 conjecture 和 speculate 的这个同意对应可以说是很经典了。在GRE 的填空里也是经常出现

机考SAT 的填空题型特点介绍和练习题库 机考SAT 的填空题型特点介绍和练习题库

基于此,在的 SAT 模考平台我们除了加入了目前官方的样题,也同时加入了类似考点的老SAT和GRE 的填空,供大家在机考SAT 初期练习用。

机考SAT 的填空题型特点介绍和练习题库

机考SAT 的填空题型特点介绍和练习题库



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