




Researchers studying magnetosensation have determined why some soil-dwelling roundworms in the Southern Hemisphere move in the opposite direction of Earth’s magnetic field when searching for _______ in the Northern Hemisphere, the magnetic field points down, into the ground, but in the Southern Hemisphere, it points up, toward the surface and away from worms’ food sources.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A)  food:

B)  food,

C)  food while

D)  food


如果考试碰到此类题,先看需要选择的空以及整个句子的结构,多数学生可能直接会觉得D会是正确答案。但是把D选项放进去,会产生run-on sentence(两个或更多的独立子句[independent clause、即"完整的句子"]连接起来、而没有放置适当的标点符号或连词的句子。这这种句型普遍被认为是一种“文体的错误”):Researchers studying magnetosensation have determined why some soil-dwelling roundworms in the Southern Hemisphere move in the opposite direction of Earth’s magnetic field when searching for _food______ in the Northern Hemisphere, the magnetic field points down, into the ground, but in the Southern Hemisphere, it points up, toward the surface and away from worms’ food sources.

这两个独立的句子分别是researchers------  food 是第一个句子,第二个句子是 in----- sources. 这两个独立的句子需要用标点符号或者连词隔开否则就是语法错误,学生们经常通过语感去做题,而忽视了语法规则,所以会误选D.

选C和D 一样都属于run-on sentence ,另外一个错误是while 不能表达后面的解释说法。While 经常表达对比的意思和 although ,though 有一样的功能.

选B的话,后面是逗号, 会产生一个语法错误 英语中叫“Comma splice”(在书面英语用法中,逗号分隔或逗号错误是使用逗号连接两个独立从句)。逗号是不能连接两个独立的句子。

所以最后答案是A 后面的冒号做解释用。

Researchers studying magnetosensation have determined why some soil-dwelling roundworms in the Southern Hemisphere move in the opposite direction of Earth’s magnetic field when searching for  food:  in the Northern Hemisphere, the magnetic field points down, into the ground, but in the Southern Hemisphere, it points up, toward the surface and away from worms’ food sources.

Run-on sentence  和Comma splice 是英语语法题中经常出现的错误,所以要记住他们的规则:逗号不能连接独立的句子(句子是不是完整独立的句子需要学生判断),如果看到是两个独立的句子,要想到用分号或者句号以及联结词去隔开。

第二道题: In 1943, in the midst of World War II, mathematics professor Grace Hopper was recruited by the US military to help the war effort by solving complex equations. Hopper’s subsequent career would involve more than just _______ as a pioneering computer programmer, Hopper would help usher in the digital age. Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A)  equations, though:

B)  equations, though,

C)  equations. Though,

D)  equations though

【解析】整体看上去第一句是个完整独立的句子与后面的空格句看起来无关。最后一个逗号之后是完整的一句话(Hopper would help usher in the digital age. ),前面看起来也是完整的一句话(Hopper’s subsequent career would involve more than just _______ as a pioneering computer programmer,) 这道题多数学生直接会选B,因为B选项这种形式在文体中常见,但是选B有错误,还是犯了我们上题中的一个comma splice : 一个逗号是不能连接两个独立的句子

这两个独立的句子分别是:(第一个独立句:Hopper’s subsequent career would involve more than just equations, though, 第二个独立句:as a pioneering computer programmer, Hopper would help usher in the digital age. )也有不少学生会考虑D,选D的话,也是犯了我们上面另外一个语法错误Run-on sentence (两个独立的句子是不能用逗号链接)。

答案在A和C中选,但仍然不太容易得出来,因为我们除了考虑句子的语法以外,另外句子之间的逻辑关系也要考虑,这就是未来语法难题的重点,四个选项中找不到语法错误的时候要去思考句子间的逻辑结构以及SAT语法考试的中的另外一个规则:simplicity ,要求我们写句子不能啰嗦,言简意赅地表达出来句子内容。

如果选C的话,句子逻辑结构不通,Though,as a pioneering computer programmer, Hopper would help usher in the digital age.   Though 放在这后面用的是逗号,前后两个句子的关系是相反的,但是我们看到两个句子是支持的关系,所以C被排除。只有A是正确答案,逗号之后用though加冒号解释了Hopper的职业超出了solving equations :she would become as a pioneering computer programme.


综合以上两道难题,学生们要对两种语法错误要特别熟悉 run-on sentence 和 comma splice ,要学会根据句子意思的逻辑关系去排除错误选项,这样可以事半功倍。



今年SAT香港考场已经开放报名,关于考试报名的问题,有学生反应报名了也扣除了费用,但是再登录显示状态“incomplete” (未完成),如果已经报名成功则显示:registered”  如图下显示↓↓

苗老师专栏| 真题讲解:SAT语法难题如何解决?机考答题时间宝贵!苗老师专栏| 真题讲解:SAT语法难题如何解决?机考答题时间宝贵!







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