剑桥雅思17写作范文及解析:Test4 代替医疗的利弊


Nowadays, a growing number of people with health problems are trying alternative medicines and treatments instead of visiting their usual doctor. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?






这道题目最大难点在于“alternative medicines and treatments”,很多同学可能不明白这“代替疗法”是什么,这里做下科普,在西方观念中,“西方医学”属于“传统疗法”或“正规疗法”,而诸如瑜伽、食疗、冥想、按摩甚至于中医的草药、针灸等都是归为代替疗法。如果还不理解的同学,不妨看下剑4T1的阅读Passage2,就是一篇专门聊“alternative medicine”的文章。







剑17写作范文及解析 | Test4 代替医疗的利弊


Alternative medicines and treatments are being adopted by an increasing number of people. While advocates of such medicines may provide a bunch of justifications for their use, I believe that this trend could be dreadful.

Admittedly, some alternative treatments do improve people’s physical and mental health. For example, practising meditation may allow people to have a rest and ultimately lead to a reduction of mental pressure and a sober mind because it requires concentration on breathing and disengagement from the bustle of everyday life. In addition, compared to standard medical care in hospitals, the lower cost of some specific alternative medicines, such as herbs, certainly appeals to crowds, so it is no wonder more people are prone to apply these treatments.

Nevertheless, some alternative medicines that are claimed to be effective might contain few active ingredients, while others might consist of elements that pose a health risk or call for professional guidance. Therefore, these alternative medicines that appear to work could simply function as placebos as there is a lack of valid evidence of their efficacy. To be specific, instead of truly improving their health conditions, it is patients’ consciousness that makes them believe such medicines are helpful and they feel much better. As a result, despite the possible harmlessness of placebos, people trapped in the illusion of recovery may run the risk of missing the best cure time. Moreover, although the majority of alternative medicines are unlikely to cause serious harm to patients, an inappropriate choice of medicine and dose, as well as incorrect operational procedures, can still result in additional health concerns. For example, homeopathy suggests patients take in materials that can cause the same symptoms as those they are suffering from in order to cure themselves, which would frequently bring about severer pain. In addition, treatments such as massage have the potential to inadvertently harm joints and ligaments.

To conclude, although alternative medicine could seem to be helpful in some cases individuals still have great difficulty controlling its risk due to the inadequacy of scientific basis and practitioners’ expertise.


unconventional 非传统的

dreadful 可怕的

a sober mind 清醒的头脑

active ingredient 有效成分

placebo 安慰剂

dose 剂量

operational procedure 操作

like cures like 以毒攻毒

scientific basis 科学基础







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