East Asian Studies东亚研究专业详细介绍


东亚研究(East Asian Studies)是专门针对东亚三国(中国,日本,韩国)设立的区域研究专业。该专业是一个跨学科领域,包含了社会科学(人类学、经济学、社会学、政治学等)人文科学(文学、历史、艺术、电影、音乐等)等元素。

人文学科导向的通常被称为East Asian Languages and Cultures(东亚语言文化),而社会科学导向的被称为East Asian Regional Studies(东亚区域研究)。在少数学校,比如加州伯克利分校,东亚研究隶属于更大的母类别,亚洲研究(Asian Studies)。







以下课程名字及介绍来自哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)的 East Asian Languages and Cultures Program,在选择上尽量涵盖了不同区域以及专业。

A、EAAS GU4111   Modern Chinese Poetry in a Global Context  

In this course, we will take modern Chinese poetry as a crucible in which we can observe the interacting forces of literary history and social change. From diplomats who saw poetry as a medium for cultural translation between China and the world, to revolutionaries who enlisted poetry in the project of social transformation, we will examine the lives and works of some of China’s most prominent poets and ask, what can we learn about modern China from reading their poetry? In addition to poems, the course will include fiction, essays, photographs, and films by both Chinese and non-Chinese artists that place our poets in a broader context; topics of discussion include national identity, revolution, translation, gender, the body, ethnicity, and technology.

B、EAAS GU4122   Japanese New Wave and Cinematic Modernism

This course will delve into an analytical reconsideration of postwar Japanese cinema specifically from the perspective of the Japanese New Wave.  While we will aim to capture the exhilaration of the Japanese New Wave by closely analyzing existing studies on some of its key makers and their works, special attention will be given to what is left out of the category as it is conventionally understood, drawing on marginalized works and genres, such as educational and industrial films as well as pink films.

C、EARL GU4328    Texts, Paintings, and Images of Korean Religions  

The course explores the doctrines, practices, and rituals of Korean religions through iconic texts, paintings, and images. The texts, paintings, and images that the course covers include ghost stories, doctrinal exegeses and charts, missionary letters, polemical and apologetic writings, catechism, folklores, and ritual paintings.

D、EAAS GU4445   Proletarian Asia: working-class culture from the 1930s to present  

From Bong Joon-ho’s runaway success Parasite, to manga adaptations of Kobayashi Takiji’s novel The Crab Cannery Ship, to the proliferation of Chinese migrant worker poetry, recent developments in the cultural landscape of East Asia have seen a renewed concern with the plight of workers and other sections of the oppressed under conditions of late capitalism. This course offers students the opportunity to situate these developments within an extended historical trajectory as the basis on which to think about the relation of radical histories to our present and possible future. It does so by integrating contemporary cultural texts with earlier cultural experiments that arose amidst the political turbulence of the 1930s across a range of locations in East Asia.

E、EARL GU4023 Women in Buddhism  

This course examines a broad array of topics related to the nature of women in Buddhism, both as presented in historical and religious texts as well as in the lives of female Buddhist practitioners. Our aim will be to consider these rules and traditions within the context of their creation as well as their subsequent use. We will also look to the words and examples of women Buddhist practitioners directly, including in modern Western Buddhism.






4.内容型: 由于东亚研究专业跨学科、跨领域的性质,很多同学知识储备丰富,擅长撰写对专业知识有一定需求的内容, 可能会进入文化传播类的行业,甚至是广告业和自媒体。




我们学习东亚研究,或者说留学去读东亚研究,本质上是一个“Make the strange familiar, and make the familiar strange”的过程。用他者的视角看东亚文化,历史,政治,艺术和以往的学习体验不同,即使是以往接触过的事物,也会产生全新的的发现和思考。最后我们可能会为一些曾经熟知的概念祛魅并重新建立一套自己的理解,也可能会对这个“他者”的立场产生质疑。



1. Harvard University

2. Columbia University

3. Yale University

4. Brown University

5. New York University

1. Colby College

2. Oberlin College

3. Wesleyan University

4. Middlebury College

5. Wellesley College



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