
成年人是否有阅读障碍?也许我们的阅读能力还没有十岁的小孩强!—— 本期跟着Jerry老师一起读外刊!看看这是个什么让人“破防”的真相~


Can you read as well as a ten-year-old?

Reflection:Answer the question, after reading the whole article:

What deteriorates(使...恶化) the literacy of individuals in todays society?And what can be done to address the concern?


Does it often feel as if the world is getting stupider? Data released on December 10th by the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, suggest this may not be all in your head.Roughly(大约 =? )every ten years the organisation asks adults in dozens of places to sit tests innumeracy and literacy(算数&识字能力). The questions it poses are not abstractbrainteasers(脑筋急转弯), spelling tests ormental arithmetic(心算). They aim to mimic problems people aged 16-65 face in daily life, whether they are working in a factory or an office, or simply trying to make sense of the news.

Insights:OECD's founding membership was composed of basically all capitalist Western European countries (Turkey included), plus the United States and Canada. AKA ”富国俱乐部”




The latest tests were carried out in 31 rich countries, and their findings areunnerving(不安的). They suggest that a fifth of adults do no better in maths and reading than might be expected of a primary-school child. The direction of travel is even less encouraging. In maths, average scores have risen in a few places over the past ten years, but fallen in almost as many. In literacy, a lot more countries have seenscores declinethanadvance, despite the fact that adults hold more and higher educational qualifications than ever before.

*Pay attention to the verbs used to describe the rise and fall of numbers

Writing Task:





Demographic change(人口变化)offers some explanation. New immigrants often struggle with a new language. The native-born have ageing brains. But even after adjusting for this, trends remaingloomy(沮丧,阴暗的), especially in literacy. Some speculate that Netflix, video games and social media aresapping(削弱)acuity. It is just as likely that education and training systems have misfired.

★ 词汇:削弱≈undermine







These disappointing results deserve more attention than they are likely to get. Basic numeracy and literacy areoddly unfashionable(=unexpected)causes—especially when adults lack them. Students of education prefer to debate how to teach fashionable “soft skills”.Hype(热度/炒作)around generative artificial intelligence does not help:harping on(重复说)about the importance of times-tables seems even morefuddy-duddy(古板;顽固不变的)when talking robots promise to do all the hard work.

Vocab: Harp on: repeat something in an annoying way.




Yet a century of technologicalupheaval(剧变=shakeup)has not cut demand for people who are good with numbers, or who have a way with words. Adults who do badly in the OECD’s tests earn vastly less than those who ace them. They are also in poorer health, less satisfied with their life, less trusting of others and more likely to feel that they have no voice in politics. In many countries the gap in ability between the highest- and lowest-skilled grown-ups is widening (not because smarty-pants are doing better, but because the least able are doing worse).Writ large(macroscopically 宏观来看), such trends lead nowhere good.

补充:Writ large 一般指明显的/突出的意思

【造句】整个国家都在尤为繁荣(Writ large)。


整个国家都在尤为繁荣(Writ large)

Growing prosperity is writ large over the country as a whole.




What to do? Improving lessons for children is the surest way of creating more capable grown-ups; governments ought to start there. England’s adults havecrept up(慢慢接近/上升)the OECD’s league table, mostly because the youngest ones (aged 16-24) are scoring better than before. That may reflect reforms which have made exams for older teenagers more difficult, and begun requiring youngsters who fail them to try again. In America, which has done fairly badly, states arejunking(v.废弃)tests that were in the past used to determine who graduated from high school. Grades there are inflating unchecked.






The second task is tooil(=making sth work smoothly)creaking systems(=ineffective and redundant social system)for educating adults.

欣赏一下oil 作动词—润滑的用法,creaking system通过用拟声词对 aging population的替换。语言的使用是如此妙哉~

These hand(=offer)dropouts second chances; they also serve people who change careers and help migrants integrate. Yet politicians grant thempaltry(little amount of)budgets, in part because they underestimate the trickiness of what they are being asked to accomplish. People with the weakest skills tend to have the least time and money for self-improvement. They are less likely to attend adult classes, or get training, even though they are the most in need.




In too many places amania(热潮/狂热)for universities has sappedfunding andfocus from all the other kinds of lessons that people aged 18 and above could be offered. Degrees are becoming less meaningful: the OECD has found that even some university graduates post numeracy and literacy scores that might embarrass a child. Meanwhile, oldies who want to return to class without embarking on long, expensive university courses often find good alternatives are lacking. Accelerating efforts to fix all these problems seems like a bright idea.

Writing technique in the highlighted phrase: Funding&Focus: alliteration(压头韵)





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