
Young people who commit some serious crimes, such as rubbery or violent attacks, should be punished in the same way as adults. Agree or disagree?

近期出镜:0113 0107成都 0107重庆 1203 1126 1109


  • 坐牢:尤为常见,特别是重罪
  • 其他惩戒性惩罚,比如劳动教育、罚款
  • 不同类型程度的罪,处罚程度不同





  • 辨别力不能完全明辨是非,不知道会触犯法律,不知道后果和伤害


  • 青少年心理可能会出于好奇、模仿、从众、怕被孤立等


  • 家庭缺乏父母的关心、父母本身有不良影响





Juvenile delinquents are as culpable for their crimes as adult offenders. I agree that they should take responsibility for their mistakes. However, I do believe the punishment should vary in each case according to the specific situation. 少年犯和成年犯一样应受惩罚。我同意他们应该为自己的错误负责。但是,我认为惩罚应该根据具体情况而有所不同。

On the one hand, a juvenile’s action may not be the same as an adult’s, so punishment should perhaps be tailored to development and reform. Some underage criminals do not have a clear understanding of the consequences of behavior when they first make the mistake. In many cases, the crimes young criminals commit are minor crimes like theft, which do not cause serious consequences. In such cases, instead of being thrown into prison, what they actually need is someone who can guide them in the right direction, help them build the correct values, and educate them about the importance of obeying the law, rather than punishing them for being ignorant of the law. And this explains why juvenile courts are designed to provide not only rehabilitative functions but also protective supervision for youth一方面,青少年的行为可能与成年人的不一样,所以惩罚可能应该根据青少年发展阶段进行调整,让他们改邪归正。一些未成年犯罪分子在第一次犯错误时,对行为后果没有清晰的认识。在很多情况下,青年犯罪分子所犯的罪行都是偷窃等轻微罪行,不会造成严重后果。在这种情况下,他们真正需要的不是被投入监狱,而是有人能引导他们走向正确的方向,帮助他们建立正确的价值观,教育他们守法的重要性,而不是因为他们不懂法律而惩罚他们。这就解释了为什么少年法庭不仅提供康复功能,而且还为青少年提供保护性监督。

However, this does not mean that an underage criminal can be exempted from his mistakes. If this young criminal never learns the lesson and keeps crossing the bottom line of the legal system, severer treatment is undoubtedly necessary. For instance, young criminals in some serious cases did not show any regret, and the law on the protection of minors practically became the reason why they commit crimes – they do not have to pay heavy prices. This can even trigger people’s doubt on legal justice. So for alleged crimes that cause great harm to others or society, proper punishment is suggested in accordance with the seriousness of the alleged offense然而,这并不意味着未成年罪犯可以免于其过错。如果这个年轻的罪犯永远不吸取教训,继续越过法律制度的底线,严厉的处理无疑是必要的。例如,在一些严重的案件中,年轻的罪犯没有表现出任何后悔,保护未成年人的法律实际上成为他们犯罪的原因——他们不必付出沉重的代价。这甚至会引发人们对法律公正的怀疑。因此,对于对他人或社会造成重大危害的犯罪,建议根据所指控的犯罪的严重程度进行适当的处罚。

In conclusion, it is important to evaluate what happens to juveniles who go through the court system to determine the level of punishment. Juveniles might merit unique consideration under the law, and the punishment should be flexible and decided based on criminal facts and age. 总之,根据青少年的具体情况以确定惩罚水平是很重要的。青少年或许值得特殊的考虑,惩罚应该灵活,并根据犯罪事实和年龄决定。


212 雅思写作 大作文 机考高频原题:青少年crime

特别强调:juvenile delinquency,一定要背下来!



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