
C12 Test 6 The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans for its development.


难度系数 ★★★★★

提示:想把图中信息写全,很难。容易遗漏的信息包括,1) 图1中school和park分别有一条小路连向main road;2) park面积缩减到1/3;3) 图2中bus station, shopping centre等的排列顺序。 



main road变成了pedestrians only.

1) The main road will become pedestrians only.如果不想思考,只想“按照”图形所给信息写作文,可能会写出这样的句子来。现在,我们来考虑一下该句表达的意思。“路变成了人”,我们试想一下,当砂石、水泥等修建的路变成人类的时候,这个世界将变成什么样子。



如果只使用图中的信息,我们就必须考虑pedestrians(行人)和road的关系。pedestrians在road行走。所以,句子可以写成:2) Only pedestrians will be allowed to use the middle section of themain road.然而,当road只允许行人使用的时候,它就已经不再是“主干道”了。所以,事实上,2) 句中的main road根本就已经不存在了,它变成了“人行道”——a pedestrian walkway. 于是,句子应该改成:3) The middle section of the main road will become a pedestrian walkway.“被改成了”,更好的表达是be converted into, 得到:4) The middle section of the main road will be converted into a pedestrian walkway.当涉及到建筑的时候,converted就可以更具体——“重建”reconstructed, 得到:5) The middle section of the main road will be reconstructed into a pedestrian walkway

小结1) The main road will become pedestrians only.(误)2) Only pedestrians will be allowed to use the middle section of the main road.‍‍‍3) The middle section of the main road will become a pedestrian walkway.‍‍‍‍4) The middle section of the main road will be converted into a pedestrian walkway.‍‍‍5) The middle section of the main road will be reconstructed into a pedestrian walkway.


main road北侧的shops变成了bus station, shopping centre, car par, new housing.

1) Shops along the northern side of the main road will become a bus station, a shopping centre, a car par and a new section of housing.按照你的常识,一家商店如何变成停车场?当然是把商店拆了,然后在空地上配备停车场需要的简单设施。所以,这里的become不合适,虽然语法正确且猜得出想表达的意思。

介绍另一个词替换become: be replaced by. 得到:2) Shopsalong the northern sideof the main road will be replaced by a bus station, a shopping centre, a car par and a new section of housing.上边2) 句能展示图形所给的信息吗?不能。显然bus station, shopping centre, car par, new housing按照自西向东的顺序排列(需要写出来)。3) Shopsalong the northern sideof the main road will be replaced by a bus station, a shopping centre, a car par and a new section of housingfrom west to east.如果你会用line,句子就可以改成:4) Shopsalong the northern sideof the main road will be replaced by a bus station, a shopping centre, a car par and a new section of housing from west to east,all four of which are situated in a line from west to east.

小结1) Shopsalong the northern sideof the main road will become a bus station, a shopping centre, a car par and a new section of housing.(误)2) Shopsalong the northern sideof the main road will be replaced by a bus station, a shopping centre, a car par and a new section of housing.(信息不全)3) Shopsalong the northern sideof the main road will be replaced by a bus station, a shopping centre, a car par and a new section of housing from west to east.(将就)4) Shopsalong the northern sideof the main road will be replaced by a bus station, a shopping centre, a car par and a new section of housing from west to east, all four of which are situated in a line from west to east.(正)


main road变成了dual carriageway.

1) The main road will become a dual carriageway.以前用于行车的公路没有了,取而代之的是一条环形的公路。但我们来细细地考虑一下图形中的变化——main road变成了人行道,而dual carriageway占用的是其他的地方,完全是新建的。所以,应该写成:2) A dual carriageway will be built.(不去扯main road, “变成”完全用不上)


1. be converted into2. be reconstructed into3. be replaced by建议的分段方法是,将现在的状况写一段,计划的发展写一段。在写“现状”的时候,你会发现里面所有的设施或者场地都可以通过一个东西联系起来——main road.1)main road中间的部分沿线有2排商店;2)main road北方是countryside;3)main road南方是housing;4)main road连接一条路通往学校;5)main road连接一条路通往公园。

雅思9分英国老师审核通过的范文:The first map illustrates what the Islip town centre is like now and the second describes the plans for its future development.Overall, thelayout of Islip town centre will change significantly,with numerous new facilities added or reconstructed.The main road links the western and eastern ends of the town centre and shops are found along both sides of the middle section of the road. Beyond the main road is countryside to the north. The large area to the south of the main road is divided into two sections and is used for housing. A school to the west of this area and a park to the east are connected by two roads to the main road.It has been planned that part of the countryside and the shops along the northern side of the main road will be replaced by a bus station, a shopping centre, a car park and a new housing area, all four of which are situated in a line from west to east. Besides, the middle section of the main road will be converted into a pedestrian walkway. A circular dual carriageway, part of which will extend into the countryside, will be built, enclosing most of the facilities, except the school and one section of housing. The park will be reduced to a quarter of its size and a new housing area established adjacent to it.



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